Vietnam IT Companies-FOIS ICT PRO




  • Language School

    FOIS Smile

  • POS cash register system


  • Construction site management system


Arfen Beaute
  • Arfen Beaute
  • Arfen Beaute
  • Arfen Beaute
We were in charge of website development for the store website of "Afenbote Beauty Salon".
The purpose of this design renewal was "to optimize the website and convey the appeal of a relaxing space as a beauty salon.
We used many photos to convey the atmosphere of the salon, and created an attractive design that would make people want to use the salon on a regular basis.
We also designed transitions that allow customers to easily access the information they need, such as salon information, staff information, and menu content.

In Vietnam, the IT company "FOIS ICT PRO Vietnam" not only specializes in website development, but also provides comprehensive support for system integration into websites, design creation for printed materials (brochures, flyers, packaging), and post-website development maintenance support. We also offer partial support for websites, so please feel free to consult with us if you encounter any issues.


Arfen Beaute


Facility and Store / Beauty


  • Design allowing clients to view staff cut menus and hairstyles through the use of Instagram’s achievement gallery.
  • Coloring design based on white to convey a natural impression.
  • Design incorporating many photos to evoke familiarity and a sense of security.
  • Responsive design that achieves varied layouts while being responsive.
  • Responsive design that automatically switches depending on screen width.
  • Adoption of easy-to-update WordPress (WordPress).